Monday, November 8, 2010

Thankful: Day 8

I love people-watching.  I may possibly be one of my favorite things to do ever.  Airports are by far my favorite place to people-watch but anywhere there are people, there will be something to watch.  Today, Sarah and I were in a central part of the city that is always bustling with people.  While we were enjoying the beautiful weather and a snack of an açma in the meydan, we also enjoyed watching quite a variety of people walk by - young and old, conservative and modern, loud and quiet.  I love watching and observing the way that the Father created people to interact with one another.  I am thankful that we were created with a need for relationships and designed to live in community.

I am thankful today for the opportunity to live overseas.  It has been one of the sweetest seasons of my life and I am thankful for it every single day!  Even in the difficult days, I would not trade it for anything.  I am thankful to be in the city that the Father placed me in…I have grown to love it so much and the thought of having to leave it is like tearing a piece of my heart out.  The weather here in November so far is gorgeous and my favorite month so far!  I am so thankful to be here today!

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