Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thankful: Day 7

Happy Birthday Dad
Today was my dad’s birthday and I got to call him to wish him a happy birthday!!  I was excited to be the person from the furthest distance to call him for his birthday today, even though it would have been a lot more fun to actually be there with him to celebrate and eat caramel cake!  Since there has been a family birthday every month I have been overseas so far, I am excited that this is the last birthday I had to call home for before I go home!  I am thankful for the technology through Skype to be able to call and talk to my family and hear their voices!  I also got to talk to my brother, Daniel, who just graduated from fire academy and now has a real job saving lives! I’m so proud of him and thankful for getting to talk to him today!!

Today I am thankful for the body of believers and the opportunity to learn what church is through the context of another culture.  The Bride of Christ is beautiful!

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