Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thankful: Day 14

afternoon with Sarah
This afternoon, Sarah and I went to have our weekly accountability.  It is one of my favorite times of the week as we come together and share our high and low points of the week and lift each other up.  We also laugh at funny things that have happened to us during the week and stories that we don’t want to forget!  This afternoon we had lots to talk about since I was packing to leave for the rest of the week to go to another part of the country.  It will be the first four days that Sarah and I have been separated since we got here…bittersweet :(  Sarah has been such an incredible friend, roomate, etc. for my time here this fall!  I am super thankful for her and am going to miss her this week!  (I cheated and used an old picture today…it is one of my favorites from this fall!)

I am thankful for God providing bus tickets for Jess and I to go away for the week.  The other day, we thought we had purchased the right tickets to leave on Monday morning and return Thursday night, but much to our dismay, when we were double-checking the tickets last night, we discovered that we had accidentally bought return tickets to come back Wednesday night!  Now we clearly know the difference between Wednesday and Thursday in our language learning.  This afternoon, we went to the otogar and fortunately we were still able to get tickets to come back on Thursday night!

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