Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thankful: Day 13

homemade mercımek çorbası
Sarah and I learned how to make mercımek çorbası (lentil soup) today!  It is definitely one of my favorite things to eat here.  I am always up for a meal of çorba ve ekmek (soup and bread) and I am excited to know how to make it myself.  I love learning how to make new things here!

I am thankful for my roomate, Sarah!  I am so thankful for the friend that she has become in the relatively short time that I have known her.  We have so much fun together and get to laugh at so many different opportunities.  I am so thankful to have her with me in my cross-cultural experiences and traveling around Europe.  We have so many inside jokes and laugh at all the same things.  She is a huge encouragement to me on difficult days and we frequently enjoy sharing life stories over a cup of coffee at Starbucks.  The day that we have to be separated will be painful and very sad.  I am so thankful for her!

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