Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Update: 8 Weeks

Dear friends,

Thank you so much for all of your support and encouragement over the past 8 weeks that I have been living in Central Asia!  I am so thankful for each one of you and could not be here without you!  My heart is so full of what the Father is doing in my life and around me through the lessons that He is teaching me - I wish I had the time to let my heart explode into words in this e-mail to share with you everything.

There are so many things that I am thankful for:
  • I am thankful for my incredible support system at home (you!) that I know lifts me up and encourages me through e-mails letting me know that you are laboring in the work that the Father is doing.
  • I am thankful for the change of seasons that is bringing a refreshing crisp coolness to us.  It is a wonderful relief from the suffocating heat the met me when I arrived.  I love fall and was so happy to break out my fall sweaters to wrap up in!  The change of seasons is such a beautiful reminder of the control that our Father has over everything, even the seasons.
  • I am thankful for each of my senses that allow me to be aware of my surroundings to soak in everything around me, including language, smells, sounds, voices, buildings, faces, etc.  The faces especially are etched in my mind forever...
  • I am thankful for this incredible city that I am living in as it reminds me of the grace that the Father has shown me in choosing to call me His own.  In a country of 72 million people and less than 5,000 believers, it is an incredible privilege to worship here and call upon the L/rd in all things.  He hears us call to Him wherever we may find ourselves on this earth...even in the darkest places.
Before I head off to bed tonight, I want to share with you a few specifics that you can be lifting up.
  • Please continue to lift up the region of Central Asia that the Father would work in the hearts of many men and women here to draw them to Himself.
  • We welcomed a team today from America to join us here for a little over a week.  They will be doing literature distribution and p-walking with us over the next few days.  Please lift up the team as they are in a new culture and that the Father would give us patience as we guide them throughout the city.
  • We also have two new girls arriving on Friday (October 8) who will be moving into our apartment, making the total then of five girls living in our apartment.  It is definitely going to be a transition as the three of us are all currently used to living with each other and are going to adjust to two more now.  We are excited to meet our new roommates and are asking that the Father would give us unity as the space becomes a little smaller with more people.
Thank you so much!
Keep following hard after the One who gave you Life!

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