Friday, October 29, 2010

10 Snippets of Life Recently

  1. Me, umbrellas, wind & rain do NOT go well together. My umbrella (which I reluctantly purchased a few weeks ago in anticipation of the winter rain here) had a fight with the wind this week, and lost. It joined the massive graveyard of broken umbrellas that cover the streets on a rainy day here.
  2. Quiet rainy mornings have been my place of solitude this week. Actually, they have been for my entire time overseas. Quite ironic for someone who is generally not a morning person. The Father has woken me sometimes a couple of hours before my roomates and it has been such a blessing - not because I don't love being with them (I do!) but because it has been wonderful to sit in silence, drink my hot tea, think, pray, journal, read the Word...
  3. I finished reading John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress this week! I am ashamed to admit that I have never previously read this book, but now I have and I am so glad! It was a huge encouragement to me to read of the believer's journey through life - the battles, victories, sorrows, joys, lessons learned, etc.
  4. As I finished one book, I started reading another: Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney. This has sat on my shelf at home for literally a couple of years now and I have finally resolved myself to read it. The first couple of chapters I have read left me feeling pretty raw. It's going to be a growing process - a good one. One that I trust will leave me more conformed to the image of my Father.
  5. Banana bread, banana cake, banana muffins, etc. have become a staple in our house. We have blown through probably a couple bags of flour, but can't help buying the cheap bananas.
  6. Sarah & I enjoy spending a couple of hours each week at a local coffee shop (usually Starbucks - not a lot of choices here) reading and talking and journaling. I always enjoy the combination of writing, talking, people-watching and sharing our ups & downs. This week, we sat in a particular Starbucks that was unusually overwhelmed with English speakers - I hardly knew what to do with myself. I couldn't help but eavesdrop in on all their conversations (mostly because I could understand EVERYTHING they were saying)! I didn't even have to think at all in listening! Is this what America will be like in a few weeks?
  7. We have mold growing on our walls. Not cool.
  8. If there were one thing I could have made room to bring with me it definitely would have been my rain boots. I am so sad they are at home in America.
  9. We celebrated my roomate, Vonda's, birthday on Friday! We started the day with a lazy morning and roomate breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes. Later, we went to a coffee shop and spent some time with some of our American friends. So thankful for a day without rain today!
  10. I have decided that for the month of November I am going to post a picture for every day of the month. I hope this will give a good depiction of daily life here.

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