Monday, October 25, 2010

Invest Yourself

One of my dear friends shared this quote with me several months ago and I found it today when I was going through my journal. I was reminded of the importance of relationships & the impact that they can have on a person. Time is not always indicative of the impact that you can leave on a person.
"I am discovering in life that not every day is going to be the best day of my life, but there is certainly beauty in each day that can be discovered or simply overlooked. The overlooked details usually come when we have our eyes opened, but our hearts are jammed shut with the busyness of life. I can disengage with people and in the process miss the greatest gift...relationships. These relationships exist in different periods and yet they are priceless. Some relationships will extend over a lifetime while others will extend over 20 seconds. The beauty doesn't always equate to the length of time, but rather the time given to engage, honor and love. My encouragement to you and me is to listen first, speak after and allow anger to straggle behind so far that it will eventually fall off."

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