Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Learning to Learn

This seems to be the theme of my life: learning to learn - maybe I should make it the title of my blog…it will never cease to be true as long as I am living on this earth.

My heart and my mind are so full today.  I have been bombarded with learning so many new lessons recently…learning about church, sacrifices, disciplines in my walk with the Father, how hard it is to be patient sometimes, how much I love where I am at right now…all of which would require seperate entries and multiple hours of writing and processing for each individual topic.

But today, I am thankful to learn from people the Father has placed in my life.  I have established that I absolutely adore people-watching.  I get so distracted doing it.  Even on days like today I have to turn my back so that I can concentrate on what I am trying to accomplish…obviously, I not only get distracted by people-watching, but also in writing and letting my thoughts fall all over each page…focus, Anna, focus.

What I was originally trying to say is how much I have been able to learn through watching and observing people.  The list goes on and on…I wish I could have written down every lesson I have learned from people this fall while living overseas, especially from my brothers and sisters in Christ.
I have learned and been taught so much through watching and asking questions.  In just a nutshell, I have learned (or am still in the process of learning for many of these) how to…
  • adapt to living in another culture.
  • get around on public transportation in a city of millions.
  • work appliances that are not written in English.
  • communicate through written words.
  • cook (i am amazed at how little i knew).
  • be a submissive wife through watching wives adjust to living in this culture and follow their husbands leading.
  • be a loving mother.
  • ask lots of questions.
  • have joy in preparing healthy meals. and making things from scratch.
  • find joy in life.
  • appreciate Skype (even when the Internet doesn’t want to stay connected).
  • order food in restaraunts with my minimal language.
  • appreciate early mornings.
  • make good coffee without CoffeeMate creamer.
  • stay cool in hot and humid summer heat.
  • find a hundred different combinations from clothes in my limited wardrobe.
  • treasure the Word.
  • take risks and be adventurous.
  • laugh at my mistakes (i make a lot of them, especially in language).
  • know that it is possible to continue to make the most of your time, even when you’re retired.
  • shop for groceries.
  • deep clean a house.
  • appreciate the simple joy of a finding an e-mail from home in my inbox :)
  • drink lots of water to stay hydrated.
  • love walking everywhere.
  • love and appreciate reading.
  • etc., etc., etc.
Please pray for me as the Father grows me in many of the areas above.  Many of them are a work in progress as I seek to become more like Him and I desire to keep learning.  He is my delight and my reward and I desire to be more like Him every day!

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