Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Last Tuesday...

Day 2 of de-briefing...
It was a cold, but beautiful morning and I thoroughly enjoyed our 15-minute walk to the office (so different from the intense heat when we first arrive over four months ago). Today we heard a challenging talk from Romans 15 about the belivers' role in the work that is being done around the world.

So many thoughts in my little head tonight...
I need to put them in a journal.
We also had a great time of sharing and talking about our different experiences and sharing some of our answers from our personal de-brief time. It has been so encouraging to hear about everyone's time over the past few months. We have also had many laughs about many of the cultural blunders that we made.

This afternoon, one of our tasks was to show the group about 15 pictures representing our time overseas. We also spent a great deal of time preparing various types of answers that we can use to share with people when we return home. I trust that this will help to buffer some of the culture shock I am sure we are all about to experience. It has been really helpful to hear from workers who have already experienced what is about to hit us.

Tonight, Sarah and I went to have dinner with a dear friend of ours. It felt so normal to meet up with a friend and have dinner at a local restaraunt. It felt like home. We sat outside under the heaters and talked and ate the evening away. What a blessing to spend the evening with these two ladies. On the way home we found tarçın lokum (cinnamon Turkish delight) - that was a new flavor I had never had before. Of course I also had to get my favorite to take home with me: fısktıklı ve fındıklı lokum (pistachio & hazlenut Turkish delight). I am thankful for the confidence we have gained to jump on public transportation and go anywhere we want.

2 days 'til home...

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