Friday, December 10, 2010

Last Friday...

I woke up this morning – one more week left in the country – and it was raining (winter has officially arrived).  I had big plans to go to Sultanahmet (tourist area) today, but the rain suddenly made me re-think my plans – was it really worth it to risk getting soaked and being ok with being wet all day long?  Yes it was!  I decided I really did want to go – after all I only have a week left and still had things I wanted to see!  So, I got ready, got my winter coat out for like the 3rd time since being here, found my 5 TL umbrella that thankfully I have not had to use for a long time, found some snacks and bravely set out, determined to not let the weather dampen my spirits.  I find it ironic that I am no longer fearful of finding my way on public transportation, but more fearful of the weather ruining my day. 

Today, I went to the Archaeological Museum.  I feel as though I would have appreciated it more if I knew more history of the country (and could read & speak Turkish), but it was still great!  I saw lots of stone, and some bones as well!  I still had time after the museum so I also went to the Topkapı  Palace which had an incredible view of the Bosporus, and thankfully it never poured on me during the day – success!  Also, lots of interesting artifacts at the palace.  After all my touring, I went to the Otogar, where Sarah and I met Christina and Barb (two friends who were serving in another country) and then proceeded to get in a taksi, which took 2 hours to get to our destination!  I’m pretty sure that is a record set that I never want to try and compete with.  But then, the worst part came when we arrived at our destination and the driver told me that the total was 182 TL, when the meter in the mirror only said 82 TL –I looked at him and said “NE?! Çok pahalı!!” (What?! That is very expensive)!   Fortunately, a friend who spoke a little more language came downstairs and compromised at another price – still expensive, but not the full amount.  Finally, we  got home and got to eat dinner at 9:30pm…of course, we ordered ney :)  

Can’t believe that one week from right now, I will have landed back in America!

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