Sunday, November 28, 2010

Update: Let His Name be Declared Among the Nations

Happy belated Thanksgiving to all of my friends and family at home!

I am so thankful for you!  I trust that each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving this week this past week!  I was so blessed to celebrate an incredible Thanksgiving overseas, and not just once but twice!  On Thursday, my roommates and I celebrated Thanksgiving with our American friends and had an incredible meal and encouraging time of fellowship and worship.  On Friday, we invited several of our local friends to our house to show them how we give thanks and have an opportunity to share the love of the Father with them in the way that we served them.  It was a lot of work to do Thanksgiving two days in a row, but well worth it!  We have many praises of how the Father answered prayers that we had for each day!

It is so hard to believe that I will be home in 3 weeks!  Looking back, my time here has gone so quickly! I have been blessed with so many opportunities to learn about the culture, travel to see Biblical sites, build relationships with long-term workers who live here, but most importantly I have had many opportunities to share the Good News that gives us joy and hope for each day!  It is such a privilege and every time I have a chance to share, I am so in awe of God's goodness in my life that He has given me a story to tell that can bring hope and life to this dark world!  I am so undeserving of all that the Father has done in my life and the opportunity He has given me to live in a country that the He has given me a love for...I have so much to be thankful for today!!

So much has happened over the past three weeks since I sent an update - the days have been flying by and have barely had a minute to sit down and write a thorough update.  I have been keeping my blog updated so if you want to hear more about what my day-to-day experiences have been and answers that I have seen, check it out.  God is good!

While there is the side of me that is counting down to come home, I also, more than anything else in the world, want to finish strong.  I want to embrace every moment that I have remaining here like it is the only moment that I have to tell what is true!  Would you please ask that the Father would give me strength to run well the race that is set before me right now.  When I realize that the Father sent His Son to pay the price that should have been mine, I know that I have nothing less than all of me to lay at His feet.  To give anything less than all of me would be ungrateful for the price that was paid on my behalf!

Please ask that the Father would continue to open doors to share Truth!  I cannot wait to tell you stories of people that He has put in my path in my short time being here.

Please ask that there would be a harvest of souls in this land.  Many are eager to hear and are seeking Truth.  Ask that  the Father would send workers to share Truth in the native language for hungry hearts to hear.

I am so thankful for each of you! I thank the Lord frequently for your support and your love to me while I have been away!  I pray that the Father will continue to strengthen you as you run the race that is set before you as well.

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