Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thankful: Day 28

Today we started studying the book of Colossians in house group. In the past few weeks I have really enjoyed and gleaned a lot from studying Philippians and other books that Paul wrote in the New Testament and am looking forward to Colossians.  Sadly, I will not be able to hear all of the teachings since my time is almost up, but I am thankful for everything that I can learn.  Paul was such a passionate writer and I am so thankful for the words of wisdom that he has left the Church to have to today.

I am thankful for two feet to walk everywhere here.  I walk so much and am so thankful to have two feet that faithfully carry me many miles every day!  I have really come to enjoy walking everywhere - to the store, between places around the city, to church, to friends houses, and everywhere in between!

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