Monday, December 20, 2010

Update: Home

Dear friends and family,

I am home, safe and sound in America.  Finally.  Praise the Lord!!

I am sending this two days later than I anticipated since my original flight home was canceled and I had to be re-routed, involving a delay of two extra days at my original destination.  While it was disappointing and discouraging to go to the airport and not get on a plane, there were so many blessings and things I could be thankful for!  I got to spend 2 extra days with my wonderful roommates who took care of me and fed me and helped me enjoy every minute of my delay.  I am also thankful that I did not get stuck in any other European city - many of which shut down their airports over the weekend due to weather.  Sunday afternoon did bring me back to America though!  I arrived late in the afternoon and was more than overjoyed to be met with hugs by familiar faces at the airport!!  Coming home has never felt so good - and hearing the passport control officer say "welcome back to America" was like music to my ears!

Now, I am beginning the process of re-adjusting to America and finding things that are different and that I forgot about...some so far: light switches are on the inside of rooms, not outside; I can drink water out of the faucet and not pump it out of a jug; automatic flush toilets; Christmas is everywhere; temperatures in Fahrenheit scale, etc.  I am sure that there are many, many more that I will find as the days go on...

I do have a praise to share!  Last week, in my final update, I asked for prayers that I would be able to see a friend of mine, "S".  The Father answered that prayer and on Wednesday afternoon of last week I was able to spend about an hour with her.  We had a great conversation and I was able to give her a copy of the Word in her own language!  She was very excited to receive it!  Ask that the Father would reveal Truth and lead her to study for her own.

Thank you so much for all of your support and prayers over the past four months (and the many months leading up in preparation)!  I could not have done any of this without you and am so thankful for each of you!  Now that I am home, I look forward to sharing with many of you pictures and stories from the past four months!


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