Thursday, December 16, 2010

Last Thursday...

It is really here.  Today was my last day in Turkey.  Tomorrow I will be in America – and I get to sleep in my own bed – while I am excited about that, when I woke up this morning at 7:30am, that was literally my first thought: “well, the next time I get to go to sleep for real will be tomorrow night in my own bed in Maryland.” Depressing.  That is a VERY long time from now.

I had a lot I needed to accomplish today – so far the only thing I didn’t get to do was “take a nap” – oh well, hopefully I will sleep on the plane a little.  So, this morning Sarah and I made vanilla lattes and watched a movie in our pajamas – lazy morning, just for old times sake.  It was really good to have a restful morning…and it was perfect too since it was raining today.  After lunch I got myself ready to go and went to go run a few errands in our neighborhood…including my last minibus ride here.  This afternoon was also super encouraging because I got to spend it with a friend that I have had the privilege of getting to know for a couple of months – we got to sit and talk and share life together today.  She encouraged me so much and I am so thankful for the few hours that I got to spend with her!  As I was walking home in the rain tonight, it wasn’t that cold and just raining lightly – I was by myself and for the first time it really began to hit me that I was leaving the country tomorrow.  While four months isn’t a long time in the grand scheme of life, it has impacted my life greatly and I will certainly never forget it!  When I got home, my roommates and I ordered in…Güney of course!  Had to have some good tavuk şiş before I left!!  After dinner, Vonda, Jess, Sarah and I went to meet Seth & Michael at Starbucks! We had a great time hanging out with them and laughing…I will miss them a lot.  Well, truth: I will miss everyone a lot!!! But, I am excited to be home in literally less than 24 hours from now!  Good-bye Turkey – I will miss you terribly.  America bound…

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