Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What I Have Learned so far...

  • Magnum bars will change your life, or at least refresh you so that you have confidence to try and find the right bus to get home. They also happen to be the most amazing ice cream bars that I have ever put in my mouth. The ice cream here...not so much. Take my advice - stick with the magnum bars.
  • You can buy orange juice from the vendors on the streets and I love it.
  • They do not put ice in their drinks here. So sad :(
  • My best friend is my fan that keeps me cool at night (p.s. no air conditioning here)
  • Living in a city with millions of people all around you requires that you dispose of any personal bubble that may have made its way over here with you.
  • The tile floor is the coolest place to lay for about 20 minutes when you get home.
  • There must be at least a hundred ways to get from any point A to B here.
  • The fruit is delicious and you can buy it cheap anywhere...I try everything.
  • Yogurt is basically the equivalent to sour cream here.
  • Other than water (which you can buy on the street for about $0.45 here), they drink cola and ayran (a yogurt, milk & salt drink) with everything

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