Saturday, August 14, 2010

Update: Life So Far

Merhaba (hello)!

As I briefly let ya'll know the other day, I did arrive here in Central Asia safely on Thursday afternoon!  Thankfully I had no problems traveling and all my luggage arrived together!  I got to sleep a little bit on the plane so am still recovering from a little bit of jet lag.  I have gotten about 10 hours of sleep the last couple of nights so that is helping a lot!  It is extremely hot and humid here so we shower a lot and a good breeze and electric fans are currently our best friends!!

I am living on the top floor of an apartment building (8th floor) with four other girls in a very nice apartment...we even have a dishwasher and a washer/dryer (many times a luxury here)!  We have a beautiful view of the city, which spreads as far as the eye can see, from our balcony.  So far, we have been able to meet and spend a lot of time with other members from our team as they orient us with the city and public transportation and beginning to teach us some is definitely a lot to take in but they are wonderful teachers!

Tomorrow, my roommate, Sarah, and I are leaving to go to another part of the city where we will spend most of next week in some orientation training with other Hands On students (just like us).  It should be a great time to get to know them and become a little more acquainted with our city.  I do not plan on having Internet access during that time, so if you don't hear from me within the next week, no worries...I will have lots to share next weekend :)

As we are getting more and more settled in and beginning orientation next week, here are some thoughts that you could lift up to the Father:
  • That relationships with my teammates would continue to flourish so that we can all be an encouragement to one another in our daily work.
  • Lift up the people here who follow Islam.  For about the next month, we are in the month of Ramazan where they will fast during the daylight hours.  Typically a little drummer boy comes around about 3:30AM each morning (yes, it wakes us up but we go right back to sleep) banging his drums to wake everyone up so they can stuff themselves with food before the first call to prayer at sunrise and then they fast from food and drink until sunset where they eat another huge meal called Iftar.  This is a very integral part of their belief system as it is a work that they do to find favor with Allah.  Please ask that the Father would provide opportunities for us to share the Truth with our friends here and that the blinders that are built in front of their eyes would be removed.
  • Ask for relationships that I will be building this fall that the Father would speak and that I would be intentional with opportunities that He gives to me.  Also, that I would learn to cling to the word in everything that I say and do!  Ps.119:116
Thank you so much for all of your pr/y/rs!  I am so thankful for each of you and could not be here without you!  I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Until all the nations hear,

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